Thursday, 18 January 2024

with your support
no more poetry
will continue
until there is
no more poetry.

click here to make a tax deductible donation via the ACF


non-cash (in-kind) donations are warmly welcomed and could include:
venues to host our launches, booze sponsorships, printing & binding, or administrative assistance. to make a non-cash donation complete this form

this form

those who donate more than $600.00 will be rewarded with a copy of every book and every newsletter of 2024 as a gesture of our profound thanks.

all donors will be acknowledged by name in the back of every book produced in 2024 regardless of the amount donated (you may request to remain anonymous by emailing us here).

from the editors

the poem is willed to continue into its next rotation

usually this takes $15,000.00

usually we bid the government for most of this

this year we have returned with $0

the poem continues regardless, in fact at an even grander pace in hope of staring precarity dead into her eyes and driving blind along a turning page etc

as the bureaucracies that adhere money to war and genocide diminish its public availability this seems a time to turn inward (as a way to further outward) to friends and colleagues and comrades and poets alike

at 19 books, nmp seems only junior in its possibilities

just as we began, we wish to endure boundless

limited edition printing to celebrate the temporality of ideas, the malleability of our aspirations and fantasies

we wish to continue until there is no more poetry

we look toward our small community, one we have had such joy entertaining and collaborating with

if we get enough money we will publish:

8 books
a monthly newsletter

this year also brings an open access archive of every book we have and will ever publish

2024 must be a time for increased listening / reading / workshopping / performing / sharing / collaborating / scheming / disrupting / surrendering / quietly honouring / dancing / singing / witnessing / withholding / reducing / simplifying / loosening / untangling

now in its third year of operation, no more poetry has supported the publication of work by more than 300 authors and artists, and we are one of the most prolific publishers of early career works in Australia.

Founding and fostering the house together has been a real triumph,
we have been gifted the opportunity to read, review, curate and edit some truly amazing collections of poetry, essay and art.

we are often overwhelmed by the reception we have received for doing something we love so deeply.

donate more

daniel and Joshua


eight single author publications



Saturday, 1 March 2024

Saturday, 12 April 2024

Saturday, 17 May 2024

Saturday, 21 June 2024

Saturday, 26 July 2024

Saturday, 30 August 2024

Saturday, 4 October 2024

Saturday, 8 November 2024

twelve newsletter issues

a monthly newsletter by no more poetry, consisting of one double side a4 page, featuring a book review by Tim Coster, film review by Brenna O, perhaps a poem from an existing or forthcoming publication, an artwork, scribble or sketch from the editors, and poetry, music and art event listings for the forthcoming month.

anyone can submit an event listing to be featured in the forthcoming issue via this form.
so long as this listing is supplied before the cut-off date listed below. 
no more poetry will include as many event listings as space allows. listing is free.

no more poetry’s newsletter cannot be purchased via our website, all titles will come including a newsletter card and post-paid envelope, readers complete the newsletter card and return it in the mail, no more poetry will send you the next issue of the newsletter which will include another card, 
each issue costs $6.00.


one a4 sheet double sided
one book review
one film review
poetry, art and music event listings
one artwork, on reverse.

budget (per copy):

postage stamp:
dl envelope: 0.30¢
printing: 0.30¢
paper: 0.20¢
next issue card, c6 envelope, postage stamp: $2.00
fee for book review: $1
fee for film review: $1

total: $6.00
per copy


january issue

contributions due: 22.01.24
listings due: 22.01.24
issue mailed out: 29.01.24

february issue
contributions due: 12.02.24
listings due: 12.02.24
issue mailed out: 19.02.24

march issue
contributions due: 04.03.24
listings due: 04.03.24
issue mailed out: 11.03.24

april issue
contributions due: 01.04.24
listings due: 01.04.24
issue mailed out: 08.04.24

may issue
contributions due: 06.05.24
listings due: 06.05.24
issue mailed out: 13.05.24

june issue
contributions due: 03.06.24
listings due: 03.06.24
issue mailed out: 10.06.24

july issue
contributions due: 01.07.24
listings due: 01.07.24
issue mailed out: 08.07.24

august issue
contributions due: 05.08.24
listings due: 05.08.24
issue mailed out: 12.08.24

september issue
contributions due: 02.09.24
listings due: 02.09.24
issue mailed out: 09.09.24

october issue
contributions due: 07.10.24
listings due: 07.10.24
issue mailed out: 14.10.24

november issue
contributions due: 04.11.24
listings due: 04.11.24
issue mailed out: 11.11.24

december issue
contributions due: 02.12.24
listings due: 02.12.24
issue mailed out: 09.12.24

year on year budget
how no more poetry continues forever,
with your support

/ starting balance

generated through crowd funding via the ACF
per title: $1,875.00
yearly: $15,000.00


author fee

(paid in advance of publication,
after receiving complete manuscript)
per title: $350.00
yearly: $2,800.00
remaining: $12,200.00

printing costs

per title: $559.00
yearly: $4,472.00
remaining: $7,728.00


(compostable pouches, padded mailers, labels)
per title: $140.00
yearly: $1,120.00
remaining: $6,608.00

operation costs

(ISBN, business name, website, ecommerce, emailing, insurance, studio rent)
per title: $540.00
yearly: $4,320.00
remaining: $2,288.00

launch events

(venue, bar, snacks, flowers/installed elements)
per title: $300.00
yearly: $2,400.00
remaining: -$112.00

directors fees

($200 per director per title)
per title: $400.00
yearly: $3,200.00
remaining: -$3,312.00


book sales

20 copies per title at wholesale
(70% RRP, $28.00)
automatically shipped on completion of a curated group of 10 stockists.
(three melbourne, two sydney, one new zealand, one new york, one los angeles, one berlin, one london/uk.)
per title: $329.00
yearly: $2,632.00
remaining: -$680.00

book sales

70 copies per title, sold direct.
(during launch events or via nmp's website)
qty printed: 100, 10 copies reserved for marketing and author copies
per title: $1,960.00
yearly: $15,680.00
remaining: $15,000.00

ending balance

(rolled over into 2025)

click here to make a tax deductible donation via the ACF


non-cash (in-kind) donations are warmly welcomed and could include:
venues to host our launches, booze sponsorships, printing & binding, or administrative assistance. to make a non-cash donation complete this form

this form

those who donate more than $600.00 will be rewarded with a copy of every book and every newsletter of 2024 as a gesture of our profound thanks.

all donors will be acknowledged by name in the back of every book produced in 2024 regardless of the amount donated (you may request to remain anonymous by emailing us here).
