(2022) by Bridget Erin Flack
2022, english — paperback
three volumes, each:145 x 205 mm
second edition, edition of 200
no more poetry presents the second edition of: Broken Machines – the posthumous collection of poems, essays and illustrations by Bridget Erin Flack. Redesigned in three volumes, comprising:
Poems, fiction, longform & essays.
Zines, sketchbook & comics.
All three volumes are included.
Notes on Broken Machines from edition one:
In compiling this publication, we are reminded of the extraordinary breadth of Bridget’s poems, essays and illustrations & her irrevocable contribution to the underground punk and rave scenes. This publication is merely a snapshot of Bridget’s legacy, stressing the breadth and complexity of Bridget’s work and life. This is what makes Broken Machines. Poems, essays & illustrations so resounding: Bridget’s practice (her writing, her drawing) it is not only her work—but more simply her.
“Over the years Bridget made me promise (repeatedly, to the point of annoyance) that if anything ever happened to her I’d make sure her writing got out. Some of the pieces in this book are finished works, most are not.
Like the impressions of Bridget left in many people’s minds they are oblique glimpses of what was really there and could have been. Her wit, intelligence, and shrewd sensitivity is clear despite this, and I hope that in reading carefully you can hear her.
Endless thanks to no more poetry and Bridget Chappell for making this happen. Thank you to Angela Pucci Love for everything. Thank you to Meals Rose for your beautiful contributions. Love you forever little bear.”
(2022) by Bridget Gilmartin