nmp.11 …the amnesia of pleasure
(2020) by Shannon May Powell

on nmp.11:
edition two, poetry & writings only.
english — paperback 
112 pages, 123 x 178 mm
legacy edition. unlimited.

no more poetry presents: Can we rest tonight in // the amnesia of pleasure – the debut publication
by Shannon May Powell

"This frequently uncertain text
does not invoke what is fixed

but instead the sensation of momentarily brushing
against something corporeal and amorous

a gesture given in passing to what has seduced,
coerced or momentarily given the impermanence of delight.

“Here is a moment… I drink it liquid from the shells
of my hands and almost all of it runs sparkling
through my fingers.”

— Clarice Lispector"

Shannon May Powell reflects on Can we rest tonight in // the amnesia of pleasure.

back-order: $25.00
back-orders are shipted at the pleasure of the house.

nmp.12 eternal delight paralysis
(2022) by daniel ward
